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Student Involvement


Bird's Hill School believes that conflict is a normal part of life and that individuals need to resolve conflicts peacefully. The school has been employing Peacemakers since 1995 to promote understanding of conflict and understanding of how to resolve conflict. Peacemakers are trained to mediate conflicts in a non-judgmental way that helps the disputants develop their own solutions.

School Helpers

Grade 4 and 5 students are given the opportunity to participate in leadership roles throughout the school. Students are generally given the position for two to four weeks at a time. Patrols are given a position for the year. Selection is made based on a yearly application process.

Some of the student jobs are: kindergarten helpers, milk sellers, recycling helpers, morning announcements, office helpers, and library helpers.


Our Grade 5 students currently patrol on the bus before and after school. Training sessions take place for our patrols twice a year.

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