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Accessibility at Bird's Hill School

"Standards for Student Services," a section of The Public Schools Act, require schools to provide accessibility information to parents new to the school division.

At Bird's Hill School, we have a number of wheelchair accessible entrances. They are as follows:

  • Main entrance, located at 3950 Raleigh Street.
  • Ramp at Primary entrance, located on the west-side of the school.
  • Bus loop door, located on the north-side of the school (Hoddinott Road) has an Automatic Door with an Active Switch to Operate, clearly labelled.

Bird's Hill School has a playground that is wheelchair accessible through the Staff/Visitor parking lot, located on the east-side of the school or is accessible through the bus loop, located on the west-side of the school.

Bird's Hill School has one handicap parking spot, clearly identified, in the Staff/Visitor parking lot, located on the south-side of the school. This is the closest parking spot to the sidewalk, leading to the school's front entrance on Raleigh Street.

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