School Community
Wayoata School is an early years school located in East Transcona with over 270 students attending from kindergarten to grade 5. These students are supported by 13 classroom teachers, 2 resource teachers, 1 physical education teacher, 1 music teacher, 1 reading recovery teacher (.5), 1 teacher librarian (.5), 1 library technician (.5), 1 community connector (.5), 1 early numeracy facilitator, 2 secretaries, 2 custodians, 1 custodial aide and 1 administrator.
As a school community, we are focused on initiatives that support the principles of Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports and Education for Sustainable Development. We offer activities to enhance Indigenous academic achievement and understandings for all of our community and to enhance academic instruction and assessment.
Vision Statement
A community in which all members meet their potential as learners and leaders.
Mission Statement
Wayoata School is committed to providing opportunities that will inspire and engage all members of our learning community to achieve their optimal growth as lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
Wayoata School officially opened its doors in February 1960. The name Wayoata comes from an indigenous language and roughly translated means "place of beauty and abundance". Although there was some discussion initially about naming the school Prince Royal as Prince Philip was born on the same day as the school opened, the name Wayoata was the final choice.
Originally, the school was built with 8 classrooms, a principal's office and an auditorium on the main floor. A staff room, library, music room, medical room and two additional rooms were located on the second floor. It housed 201 students from Grade 1-6. In 1962, 12 additional classrooms were built onto the school to make room for the 350 students registered. By 1964, the population had grown to 750 students. The students attended in shifts for part of the year and then teachers worked in modified team teaching with two classes and two teachers in each classroom for the remainder of the year. In 1969 kindergarten students joined Wayoata School for the first time. Another addition opened in 1970 which had been built to accommodate the over 770 students attending the school. This addition included a gym, music room, library, conference room, staff room, resource room, medical room, prep rooms, kitchen area near the gym and 2 open areas. In 1998 the Grade 6 students moved to Arthur Day Middle School and Wayoata School became a èßäAVgarten to Grade 5 school. In 2017, early years school boundaries in Transcona were realigned and our school community grew again.