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Valley Gardens Middle School is committed to ensuring that each person develop to his/her own personal best – in an environment of academic excellence, mutual respect, safety, co-operation, encouragement and caring.

Valley Gardens Middle School has adopted the Middle School approach to learning.  Our approach recognizes that adolescents experience many physical, social, emotional, and intellectual changes and that these changes are signs of growth.  We strive to nurture students in these areas and the following three principles are the core ideals of our school.

Respect       Responsibilities      Rights  

Expectations of respect at Valley Gardens Middle School:

Everyone will respect:

  • others’ right to learn
  • others’ point of view
  • the property of others.

Personal Responsibilities at Valley Gardens Middle School

Everyone will:

  • be at school and in class on time with the necessary supplies
  • complete their designated tasks
  • be an appropriate and active participant in all learning activities.

Individual Rights at Valley Gardens Middle School

Everyone has the right to:

  • learn
  • a safe environment
  • be treated with respect.

Remember that you are entitled to Rights when you Respect others and fulfill your Responsibilities.

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