Immigrant Services
River East Transcona Immigrant Services (RETIS) provides programs and supports to welcome immigrants arriving in the River East Transcona area of Winnipeg. We offer orientations and information to help newcomers become familiar with the local community, as well as Canadian life and culture. Our settlement workers connect newcomers with programs and services, host special events for newcomers to meet their neighbours, and promote public awareness.
The Newcomers Welcome Centre, located in John Pritchard School, is open for visits with a settlement worker. All office visits are by appointment only at this time. Drop-in visits are currently not available. To make an appointment to meet with a RETIS settlement worker, call the Newcomers Welcome Centre. You can also email, text, or phone the settlement workers directly if you need help or have questions—their contact information can be found in The Newcomer News, in the sidebar on the left-hand side of this page.
Newcomers Welcome Centre
John Pritchard School
1490 Henderson Hwy.
P: 204.669.9412
New Canadian students in kindergarten through Grade 4 receive EAL programming right in their classroom. Students in Grades 5–12 who are in the early stages of EAL learning—or are LAL (Literacy, Academic, and Language) learners—attend specialized programs where they can focus on learning the English language and developing the academic skills needed for educational success in Manitoba. Grades 5–12 students who are at a higher level of English but who need help, and those who opt for their community school, receive their programming in the classroom at their designated school.
Our EAL/LAL programs provide a learning experience based on:
- Individualized assessment of each student's language and learning needs
- Appropriate instruction geared to individual needs
- A safe and encouraging learning environment
- Progressive integration into the regular program/classroom
For more information, see English as an Additional Language (EAL) for Students, directly to the left in the sidebar.
We know children aren't the only ones who need a bit of help when it comes to adjusting to a new community and culture. That's why we also provide adult EAL classes in the daytime and evening at various locations throughout River East Transcona. Adults who wish to take classes at any of these locations must be referred there by the (WELARC).
Classes are offered at no cost to participants. There is free care for newcomer children ages 19 months to six years at some daytime EAL classes. The program is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. For more information about Adult EAL classes, call 204.667.6193, ext. 3042.