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"The time has gone by so fast, we can't believe it's our last full day. We have enjoyed having Lisa in our home immensely, and just wanted to say thank you to you and your staff who run the program for allowing us to extend our family in such a great way.

Our family has gained so much from this program, and now our daughter Halle feels she has sisters all over the world (yes, it's really cute). Actually, just yesterday we were talking about Lisa's departure and she said that she was sad about her going, but she cheered up a minute or two later and said "So mummy, where are you getting my next new sister from??"... I just thought I would pass that on to you as it made me laugh.

We would very much like to host in September should the opportunity be available."

-Joanne and Terry and Halle

Homestay Family Perspectives

"Our family has been blessed with Almaz - a beautiful girl from Germany. We are impressed with the thoroughness of the program and are well taken care of. Our family runs as it did before Almaz came to live with us. She is now involved in the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, as well as various school sporting events. She also enjoys coming to watch our own two children in their various activities.

Enjoy this opportunity. Friendships are developed that will last a lifetime and my children will forever have a friend who lives in Cologne, Germany! We are all glad that we made this choice!"

- Jan Bell

"During the past four years, we have hosted nine high school girls from two different countries in the River East Transcona School Division - International Education Program. Overall, it has been a very rewarding experience for our family. We certainly learned a lot during the girls' "trials and tribulations" of adjusting to life in a new culture. When our students eventually returned to their home countries, it always left us with a feeling of emptiness that was only fulfilled by the arrival of our next international students.

Our international daughters have truly become part of our lives and are always in our thoughts. We keep in contact with them by Internet. As the years go by and they get older and start families of their own, we feel that we are still part of their lives.

During a recent trip to Brazil, we were welcomed with open arms by three of our international daughters' families. One of our oldest students who now has a family of her own, paid us a surprise visit with her own little girl. When her daughter called us "Grandpa and Grandma," it put the whole experience of being Homestay parents into its true perspective!"

- Alain and Laurie Rouillard

International Student Perspectives

"My name is Almaz (or Ally, as my Homestay family calls me). I'm 16 years old and I'm a German international student.

I started thinking of going to a foreign country a long time ago. When the time came, I decided to go to the River East Transcona Schools Program in Winnipeg and I've never regretted it. The program staff really worked hard to satisfy my interests. They found me a loving family, who treat me as their own daughter. This made it really easy to adjust to daily life. The program staff also did a really good job selecting a school and they are always there for me and my Homestay family day or night.

I now have a second family here in Canada, which means new friends for a lifetime. I also learned a new culture and language - also really important in my life. Now my Homestay family has a reason to come to Germany. This has been a very positive experience for me."

- Almaz Teffera

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