Join Us for èßäAV Links!
Did you know that èßäAV offers FREE programming for preschoolers and their parents? Join us for èßäAV Links!
èßäAV Links programs provide young families—with children birth to age five—with the opportunity to play, learn, and connect with each other. These free parent-child programs feature fun, educational ways to explore literacy, numeracy, physical health and well-being, and creativity through art experiences, rhymes, stories, activities, and games.
èßäAV Links programs are an excellent way for young children to develop a lifelong passion for learning, develop their skills and self-confidence, and help prepare them for the adventure of school! They provide a welcoming, inclusive place where parents/caregivers can meet other families from the community, develop new friendships, and share parenting resources.
To learn more and view the most recent èßäAV Links newsletters, visit: èßäAV Links