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Welcome to our school library

Welcome to the library – an exciting place of wonder and learning! Our library has two main purposes: finding books to read for pleasure and a place to learn information literacy and technology skills. We believe that every student requires the skills necessary to navigate through today’s information-rich world. Determining information needs, recognizing and selecting appropriate resources – whether print or online – and managing information are key skills required for successful academic inquiry.

At our school library we strive to empower staff and students to become skilled, independent users of information through inquiry based learning which integrates curriculum, information literacy and technology skills.

Mrs. Klausen, the teacher-librarian, is in the library on school days 2,4 & 6 working collaboratively with students and teachers on inquiry units of curricular study. Mrs. DeBruyn, the library technician, is in the library on school days 1, 3 & 5 ensuring our library’s day-to-day operations run smoothly, including book exchange for students.


Mrs. C.  Klausen (teacher-librarian)
Mrs.  T. DeBruyn (library technician)

Library Hours

Hours of Operation: 9:25 a.m. to 3:55 p.m. from Monday to Friday

Lending Policies

  • Borrowing period: one school cycle
  • Number of material sign-outs: kindergarten to Grade 1 - 1 book per student, grades 2 to 3 - 2 books per student, grades 4 to 5 - 3 books per student.
  • Renewals: Students can renew an item a maximum of 2 times unless it is a new book, or there is a request for it. Students must bring the book in to renew it otherwise it is considered overdue.
  • Overdues: Students cannot sign out library materials if they have a book seven days or more overdue. Notes are sent home for grades K-2 and agendas are used for grades 3-5 as reminders for students to search for missing items. Overdue notices are sent home after a book is 14 days overdue.                                  
  • Lost books: Students are not permitted to borrow new books until they have reimbursed the library for any lost ones. When it is determined that a book is lost, library staff will inform the parent of the cost of reimbursement.

Program Description

At Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton school, the library program is twofold. The literature appreciation time allows students the opportunity to choose a specific genre of literature or a non-fiction book to read. Book exchanges give students a chance to explore the different types of resources found in a library encouraging them to become lifelong readers and learners.

The other part of our library program is an inquiry based learning approach to research. Co-operatively the teacher-librarian and classroom teacher plan units of study. Students actively work through the process of inquiry from the creation of questions, to the meaningful use of print, non-print and human resources, to a completed finished product incorporating information literacy and technological literacy skills.

Most students at Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton are engaged in at least two curricular units of study in a school year.

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